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Healthy Mind: 


Mental health is important for the overall wellness of an individual. A healthy mind is dependent on having a healthy body.


Below you can find some tips that may help improve your mind.


  • Regular exercise can improve memory, the ability to think clearly, and reaction time. 


  • Play mind stimulating games such as chess, cards, crossword puzzles, and puzzle games such as a Rubix Cube, or scrabble.


  • Learn new things such as how to speak a different language or how to play a musical instrument.


  • Watching thought provoking and mind stimulating movies.


  • Pursue a higher level education at a University or Community College.


  • Attend socials, plays, or meetings. 


  • Read newspapers, magazines, and books, to help stimulate the mind.


  • Take up a new hobby or revisit an old one.


  • Travel and explore new cultures.

  • Control stress by meditation and relaxation.


  • Use your memory exercises to develop your recall skills



 Eat a healthy diet and supplement your diet with vitamins such as the following:


     Vitamin E can be found in green leafy vegetables and whole grains and protects against cognitive decline.


    Vitamin B is found in foods like turkey and tuna has been found to help brain function and sharpness.


    Memory decline has been linked to low folic acid and B12. Folic acid is found in foods such as leafy greens, legumes, and liver while B12 is found in foods such as meat and eggs.


   Vitamin C found in broccoli, legumes, strawberries, and potatoes is important for neurotransmitter synthesis.




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