What does this have to do with schizophrenia or the mentally ill?
The word mad is often times used unwisely and is associated with schizophrenics. By examining the word madness you will see how it became linked to schizophrenia, its implications, repercussions and how it is commonly viewed.
What is Madness?
● Madness is the sense of what is odd, bizarre or dangerous to some people, and can be normal to others.
● The word is used in many different ways. Some use it as a means of expression; for example; as a joke, when in rage or fury or when excited or enthusiastic.
● Oxford Dictionary: says madness is characterized by a state of insanity, or having a dysfunctional mind.
● Since it is loosely applied to diverse situations and has many shades of meaning, one needs to establish and examine the specific context in which madness or insanity appears inorder to make sense of it.
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