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1. For Guest Bloggers, The Boardroom and More:-


We would love for you to guest blog in our boardroom:

Mental Health Platform (MEHEP) is always looking for high quality content to share.


The writer should be any of the following:


  • Mental health professional


  • Researcher


  • A person living with a mental health condition

          or (Mental health advocate)


  • Teens, university and  college persons


  • A caregiver, police, veterans, parent, spouse or loved one etc.,



Note: We will also accept articles from any mental health or healthy living organizations etc.


Writers may be from anywhere in the world, but articles should be written in English. (If articles are written in French or Spanish we might consider it). Essays or articles should be between 500 – 1,200 words in length.  If the submission is longer than 1,200 we’ll consider accepting it, if it’s relevant to the the topic.


All articles submitted, will be reviewed and published within 4 weeks’ time, and may be edited for clarity, grammar and length before being published.


Each submission must be accompanied by the person’s real name, a picture of the author and a brief biographical paragraph of 120 words. Please also include a link to your website, book, blog, or social media sites.


All submissions should be sent via email as an attachment (in the form of a Microsoft Word document), or the essay may be copied and pasted in the body of the email. If necessary, please cite reference material.  Plagiarism is not allowed.


If your article refers to research, we prefer such research citations be made at the end of the article in APA style.


Where there is uncertainty, please refer to essays previously published in MEHEP for clarification or email us at:






Submissions which fail to follow these guidelines may be returned to the author for revision prior to consideration.


 Please send article (s) to: along with your biography and a social media link, we will post it for you.



Each article must be original works of authorship, and if appears on another website, the author should have copyright ownership and non-exclusivity with said site.  Mental Health Platform (MEHEP) has the option, but not the obligation to publish any material it receives.



2.   Mental Health Story


  • Your voice matters and your story is important.  


Would you like to share your mental illness story, poem or art work with our audience?  If you have an inspirational story or strategies for those who are struggling, please feel free to send it to us at:


"Don't be ashamed of your story. It will inspire others."


Note:  We are also willing to post your work anonymously, at your request.


.  Thank you. 


MEHEP website contains general information and should not be substituted for medical advise, diagnosis, treatment or referral services. MEHEP recommend that you seek knowledge, skill and judgment from a qualified psychiatrists, psychologists, physicians or health care provider about your medical condition. MEHEP is not responsible or liable for any diagnosis made by a user based on the content of the MEHEP website. MEHEP is not liable for the contents of any external internet sites listed, nor does it endorse any commercial product or service mentioned or advised on any of the sites.

Unless otherwise stated, all information contained on the MEHEP website included but not limited to text, graphics, logos, button icons, images, audio and video clips are patent is proprietary to MEHEP. No image in part or whole can be reproduced without written permission from MEHEP